Derick Rotunno is a certified personal trainer with 25 years of experience and hundreds of hours in nutritional counseling. With the majority of clients looking to tone up and lose weight it is important to realize two things: You can burn 300-600 calories in an hour or add that same amount in three or more mouthfuls.
If you have any physical concerns such as low back pain, shoulder pain, knee pain or any other aching problems, chances are Derick has dealt with it before. He knows what to do and more importantly what to avoid. Body Mastery Personal Training will personalize a fitness routine that will not only make you look better but more importantly make you feel better as you become healthier. Derick has experience in increasing flexibility, balance and stamina to help senior clients maintain their independence. Choosing a knowledgeable experienced fitness professional allows you to strengthen weak areas, alleviate pain and increasing overall quality of life. Unfortunately, with all the boot camps and inexperienced personal trainers out there, many people get discouraged and injured. That will not happen with Body Mastery personal training.
Derick’s skill set is more traditional with circuit training in the target heart zone. He uses free weights, machines and balance challenges using BOSU and Swiss balls.
Body Mastery has been serving the people of Southern California since 1989. Click here to read more about our history.
Call for a free consultation. Friends are welcome to join at 50% savings.
Why Train with Us Click here to read a message from Derick.
Click here to read how you can “Lighten up with Derick.”
Contact Information
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